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NOTE: In addition to the workshops listed on this on this page, numerous other seminars are in development. If you have a specific need, contact us and we will see if we can help meet your training need.
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Rise Above the Barriers [W]
- Participants will identify historic barriers to church growth resulting in stagnation and decline. Starting from prayer and vision casting participants will move to determine appropriate actions for their context. Clear steps will be discussed to help participants move past identified barriers.
Evaluating Your Church Like a Guest [W]
- An insightful training for staff and key influencers in a church to help them view their church from the perspective of a first-time guest. Participants will begin with a walk through of important pre-visit steps that guests go through, onto the parking lot, into the church facilities and through the follow up experience.
Harnessing Today's Communication Tools [W]
- Participants will learn critical communication rules for success in today's rapidly changing communication climate. They will discover the essentials for every website and the necessities for effective mass email marketing communication. This is a "best practices" workshop.
7 Principles for Effective Evangelism [W]
- This practical ministry seminar will give participants insight into effective evangelistic approaches based on research and the personal experience of the presenter. Discover the importance of pastoral leadership, focused prayer, evangelism training, using Sunday School & Small groups for evangelism and much more.
Healthy Systems in the Smaller Attendance Church [W]
- This workshop is designed to enrich the leadership capacity of pastors serving smaller attendance churches. The group will explore the seven critical systems in a small church. Each system is a part of a simple 3-line system map format. Once participants clearly understand each of the 3-lines of the small church system map, they will have the tools for leading their congregation to be healthy. The result of implementing the 3-line church system map will be successful outreach and missions and effective ministry within the congregation.
Effective Smaller Attendance Church Ministry [W]
- There is no question that the smaller attendance church (SAC) is different. In this workshop, discover the Biblical ministry of the SAC. Learn about effective ministry in the SAC through its unique values, relationships, and communication approaches. Discover key principles of decision-making, polices, ministry participation and more. This seminar will answer the question: “What Does the Smaller Attendance Church Do Well?”
Special Evangelistic Events / Evangelistic Block Parties [W]
- Discover essential strategies to make special evangelistic events a success. From effective preparation, to strategic implementation on the day of the event, to vital principles of follow-up.
8 Legal Concerns for a Constitution and Bylaws [W]
- From 100's of legal cases, 8 critical areas are discussed that can cause liability concerns for churches & associations related to their Constitution & Bylaws. This overview workshop recommends solutions.
Legal Issues Facing Today's Church [W]
- The follow-up workshop to the 8 Legal Issues conference, this seminar covers 8 critical issues that can cause liability concerns for churches & associations related to their bylaws. This practical workshop has been compiled in consultation with a team of lawyers at the National Center for Life and Liberty that recommend solutions for reducing legal risks.
Organizational Life Cycles and Leadership Styles [W]
- Discover the natural life cycle of churches, associations and conventions. What happens as they grow, plateau and decline? Once you understand that process you will discover the kinds of leaders that match the various periods identified in the life of an organization. Want to turn your organization around? … this workshop will start you working through the process.
Social Networking in Ministry [W]
- Learn strategies and processes for effective use of social media for ministry. Attention will be given to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, and other media that can be utilized for effective ministry. See a comparison of traditional and social media, branding, monitoring your online presence, what to post and more.
5/52 Church Start Funding Plan [W]
- The 5/52 Plan is a proven stewardship emphasis for Partner Churches wanting to help financially support a new church. This supplemental funding plan can be utilized by church planters and church planting partners. 5/52 is "How Any Church Can Start a Church."
3 Keys to Innovative Leadership [W]
- This overview workshop will introduce participants to 3 key principles for creative and innovative responses to opportunities that may present themselves. Discover how to assess conditions in such a way to respond in a creative manner, ultimately sustaining greater impact for the work of ministry. Expanded conference is 3-5 hours, including interactive group learning activities.
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