Moving Your Church Toward Healthy Growth and Reproduction
A six-session, two phase process for leading your church to the next level.
Moving Your Church Toward Healthy Growth and Reproduction
A six-session, two phase process for leading your church to the next level.
The Dynamic Church consultation process is designed to help move your church toward healthy growth and reproduction. This consultation consists of a six-session, two phase process for leading your church to the next level of ministry and evangelism.
The Dynamic Church consultation will assist your church in looking to the next level of growth. The "next level" is defined by the local church and not the consultant. It may be viewed as a numerical level, or it may be expressed in terms of organization, or it may involve moving toward expanded evangelism and reproduction (church starting).
- A new church (12-18 months after public launch)
- An established church that is wanting to move to the next level or is plateaued or declining and needs to develop a strategy for renewal and growth.
The schedule for The Dynamic Church consultation is very flexible. It can be done in a spiritual renewal weekend format or six consecutive Sunday or Wednesday nights if in Atlanta metro area. Other options might also be discussed and considered. For maximum impact, the recommended format is to have the entire consultation conducted in one short time frame. This makes a weekend schedule possible anywhere in North America.
What Will Happen?
Answer the question: "What is the next level for our church?"
Discover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your church.Discover the limiting factors that you face at this time.
Explore the attitudes and personality of church. (Its Leadership, Organization, Resources)
Determine what changes need to occur.
Determine what leadership needs to be developed.
Determine what resources need to be developed.
Activities & Sessions Include:
- Congregational Survey
- Group evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- Learn two important principles for healthy churches.
- Learn six critical issues that must be addressed to develop a healthy church.
- The host church needs to provide materials and supplies for church attendees. A supply list will be provided.
- The host church will provide drinks and snacks for breaks and two meals for the group in attendance (we recommend one covered-dish meal).
- Bobby Gilstrap serves as the DCM consultant. Church-wide consultations are normally $500.00 per day, If finances are an issue for a congregation, please contact us about alternate payment arrangements of fees , or potentially an honorarium or love offering.